Daily Archives: June 27, 2024


  Ron’s journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons
along the way.


Reflections of Michael Trilogy Book 3

by L.J. Ambrosio

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Coming of Age

 In this final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, Michael’s
wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its
beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul
of the city. Ron’s journey is met with life-affirming friendships and
lessons along the way.

A story that began with A Reservoir Man, and continued in Reflections on the Boulevard,
concludes with this final book, Exiles.

What readers are saying:


Each character Ron meets during his personal journey is unique, and they all feel
like real people, something Ambrosio has proven time and again is a
strength of his. If you enjoy literary fiction with an epic personal
journey woven through the pages, then you need to read this trilogy.”
– Amazon Review

This book, like the ones before it, evokes a range of emotions—laughter, fear,
excitement, wonder, and grief. Ambrosio’s ability to weave these
feelings into the narrative is what makes the trilogy so special.”
– Amazon Review

Exiles is a brilliant book that will leave you spellbound with its emotional
payoff. Author Ambrosio’s finale to the Reflections of Michael
Trilogy is a must-read for anyone who appreciates literary fiction
that speaks to the soul.” – Goodreads Review

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 Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent
agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a
theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight
seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also
distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist
over the course of his impressive career.

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the tour
for special content and a giveaway!


Enter to win

 a Dragonfly Necklace – 2 winners,

a Print Copy of Exiles – 2 winners,

a $20 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

We all have two lives. We only get to experience living in the second after we realize we only have just one.

I have my first real scare in life when I get attacked by a kangaroo when I am seven. My first brush with the cliff-face edge of death comes when I am 12. My dad drives the family down the dangerous Skipper’s Canyon dirt road in New Zealand in a rented minivan.

Including the occasion I am almost involved in two different plane flight crashes, in the same night, there have been at least a half dozen more occasions when I have been within a moment’s inattention of being killed.

However, none of those frightening incidents compare to what I experience after my son is abducted.

This memoir is the story of how I used the traumatic experiences of my life to give me strength to forge on during a 13 year fight to be a father to my son.

What did it take for me to get to my second life?
It took me to truly understand what fear is.

Read an Excerpt

As I cross the hotel lobby floor towards the elevator, a man approaches me and addresses me by name.

Oh god, not again. I know what this is. Another process server who is going to hand me court documents to tell me I am now being sued for refusing to follow my ex-wife’s demands to buy my son another cell phone.

That would have been far more preferable.

The man leads me over to the couches in the hotel lobby, and we sit. He speaks only Portuguese so that I can only understand some of what he says. So, I use Google translate so I can fully understand what is going on.

His name is Michael.

The man is not from the court.

He is on the direct opposite side of the law, as it turns out.

He is a killer for hire.

My ex-wife has hired his services.

What? Right now, I know I am sitting in bizarro world.

About the Author:

Simon Yeats has lived nine lives, and by all estimations, is fast running out of the number he has left. His life of globetrotting the globe was not the one he expected to lead. He grew up a quiet, shy boy teased by other kids on the playgrounds for his red hair. But he developed a keen wit and sense of humor to always see the funnier side of life.

With an overwhelming love of travel, a propensity to find trouble where there was none, and being a passionate advocate of mental health, Simon’s stories will leave a reader either rolling on the floor in tears of laughter, or breathing deeply that the adventures he has led were survived.

No author has laughed longer or cried with less restraint at the travails of life.

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0CBNQLSPW/about
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@authoryeats
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authoryeats

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/My-SECOND-Life-Simon-Yeats-ebook/dp/B0CB4LCCPN/ref=sr_1_1

Simon Yeats is awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Finding Love

Who says you can’t find love over a plate of mushroom ravioli?

Finding Love

Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 2

by Julie Navickas

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Who says you can’t find love over a plate of mushroom ravioli?

Rachel Prescott has always dated the wrong men. Each relationship begins with hope, but within months ends with “nope.” The harder she tries, the harder she fails. That is, until the new owner of Pier Ninety-Two, Miguel Rodriguez, spots her wallowing over her latest dating disaster in his restaurant.

Easily smitten with the brown-haired beauty, Miguel offers her his heart. Or at least, what’s
left of it. Because Miguel has had his own troubled past finding the right woman. With the echo of lost love still haunting his heart, he convinces himself he’s ready to move on—and who better with than
the spunky, sexy, and strong-willed, Rachel Prescott?

Over a bottle of wine (or two), Miguel and Rachel instantly connect. And by the end of the evening, it’s more than their shared plate of mushroom ravioli left steaming.

Best-selling and award-winning author Julie Navickas tugs at your heartstrings in her second book in the Clumsy Little Hearts trilogy about love and letting go of the past. Fans of KG Fletcher’s The Reining Hearts Series and Katie Cotugno’s How to Love will find a new one-click buy with Ms. Navickas’ romances. Fall in love with imperfect, but perfect for the right person.

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Trusting Love

Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1

What does a s’more, a tent, and a campfire have in common? For Ryan Prescott, it’s a typical
weekend camping trip. But for Tess Browning… it’s a recipe for
the truth.

Tess Browning earned the nickname Little Vixen for a reason. And she has no
incentive to play by the rules anymore. Because why bother? All it
ever did was trap her in a loveless marriage. Tossing faithfulness
out the window, the only thing she is committed to now is her new
code: keeping it fun, flirty, and deliciously sultry.

That is, until Ryan Prescott walks in and charms his way into her heart
with a leather tool belt strapped around his waist. He’s sexy,
smart, and as emotionally damaged as they come. And Ryan seemingly
wants nothing more than to have Tess pick up the pieces of his broken
heart. But there’s one thing he doesn’t know about her.

When the details of Ryan’s past heartache come to
light, Tess digs her hot pink heels into the ground and will stop at
nothing to hide her past indiscretions from the man who stole her
heart. Because if there’s one thing Ryan won’t tolerate—it’s

Will Tess manage to keep the truth hidden? Or, will the secrets of a lifetime shatter her one true chance at

Best-selling and award-winning author Julie
Navickas brings back fan favorite, Tess Browning for her own shot at
love. Readers of the Trading Heartbeats trilogy will recognize the
flawed heroine but may not recognize the woman she’s become. After
all, no one is above redemption. Fans of Lynn Painter’s Mr. Wrong
Number and Katie Cotugno’s Birds of California will find a
swoon-worthy and engaging romance in TRUSTING LOVE.

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Julie Navickas is a best-selling and award-winning, nationally
recognized contemporary romance novelist, known for her keen ability
to tell heart-wrenching, second-chance love stories through relatable
characters with humility, humor, and heroism. She is also an
award-winning university instructor in the School of Communication at
Illinois State University. Julie earned master’s degrees in both
organizational communication and English studies with an emphasis in
book history, as well as a bachelor’s degree in public relations,
graduating cum laude from Illinois State University. She is a mom of
three and has been happily married to her high school sweetheart for
twelve years.

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