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Hot for Scot and Beauty and the Bull Rider


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 Inside the Book:

Title: Hot for the Scot
Author: Janice Maynard
Release Date: March 1, 2016
Publisher: Lyrical Shine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: Ebook

In Janice Maynard’s sweet and sexy new series, three childhood friends with a shared passion for the Outlander novels and TV show decide to travel to Scotland looking for adventure—and their very own Highland heroes…

It’s a dream come true for schoolteacher Hayley Smith. No homework to grade, no students to corral, no social media, Internet or cell phone…just a month amid the heather and rolling hills around Inverness. A brawny alpha male in a kilt is probably too much to ask for. But Hayley is in heaven ambling around Loch Ness, gazing and then…falling into the icy water, before being rescued by a strong, chivalrous local hero…

Retired soccer star Angus Munro, aka Angus the Angler, is a little insulted and a whole lot intrigued when Hayley doesn’t recognize him. How long has it been since anyone saw beyond his wealth and fame? And how long before the macho athlete and his modern-day American damsel in distress act on an attraction that could make even the misty Scottish moors sizzle with heat? Long enough, maybe, for both to figure out if this is an affair to remember…or the start of something everlasting…

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Meet the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Janice Maynard knew she loved books and writing by the time she was eight years old. But it took multiple rejections and many years of trying before she sold her first three novels. After teaching kindergarten and second grade for a number of years, Janice turned in her lesson plan book and began writing full-time. Since then she has sold over thirty-five books and novellas. Her publishers include Kensington, Penguin/NAL, Berkley, and Harlequin.

Her Men of Wolff Mountain books are fan favorites, and Janice is now deeply involved with her new cast of heroes in the long running Kavanaghs of Silver GlenSeries.


Inside the Book:

Title: Beauty and the Bull Rider
Author: Victoria Vane
Release Date: March 15, 2016
Publisher: Lyrical Shine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: Ebook

When Beauty Wants A Baby

Championship bull breeder and former Texas beauty queen Delaney McCall was having a heck of a time finding a daddy for the baby she craved. A failed marriage left her with no desire for another husband, but finding the right stud to satisfy her needs presents a bigger problem that she could have imagined.

And The Bullrider Wants Beauty

After hanging up his spurs, bull rider Zac McDaniel wants nothing more than to fulfill Delaney’s dream of having a family. After all, his best friend’s ex has been his fantasy for years. Zac, however, has no desire to be seen as just a means to an end. And when Zac insists on doing things the “old fashioned” way, their passion explodes like a bull out of the chute…

Some Bucking Is Bound To Happen

While insisting it’s all just a passing fancy, the more Delaney sees the softer side of the rough and tumble cowboy, the harder it is to keep her emotions corraled. Zac, meanwhile, is more determined than ever to prove he’s what she really needs, and will do whatever it takes to tear down the mile high fence around her heart…

Praise for Victoria Vane

“Erotic and sexy.” –Library Journal on the Devil DeVere series

“For erotic passion and one-liners, the first book in Vane’s new series will satisfy…Vane’s latest gets a big yee-haw.” –RT Book Reviews on Slow Hand

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Meet the Author:

Victoria Vane is an award-winning author of smart and sexy romance. Her work includes everything from wild comedic romps to emotionally compelling erotic romance. Her historical romances have received more than twenty awards and nominations to include the 2014 RONE Award for Treacherous Temptations and Library Journal Best E-Book romance of 2012 for The Devil DeVere series. She is now making waves in contemporary romance with her critically acclaimed Hot Cowboy Nights series from Sourcebooks (Slow Hand, Rough Rider, Sharp Shooter, Silver Tongue). Look for her scorching hot Hotel Rodeo series coming from Kensington early 2016.

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Cover Reveal – Two to Wrangle

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Title: Two to Wrangle
Author: Victoria Vane
Publisher: Lyrical Shine


Maybe having a hot and heavy affair with the boss’s daughter wasn’t the smartest move. But country boy Ty Morgan didn’t regret a moment with city girl Monica Brandt…until she left Las Vegas to return to her life in New York.  When devastating news sends her running back, Ty can’t help but open his arms.  His heart, however, is another matter.


Now that Ty has what he’s always wanted—controlling interest in Hotel Rodeo—Monica is certain their time together is at an end.  Then Ty asks her to come on board as a partner.  Maybe it’s just her money he needs, but the chance to stick close to the sexy wrangler sure could make work a whole lot more interesting.


Their partnership doesn’t come without a heap of problems. The two can’t agree on anything—except their iron-hot attraction.  As the hotel’s Grand Opening approaches, the truth is all too clear: Ty and Monica must find a way to mix business with pleasure if they have any shot at dancing off into the sunset together…

Praise for Victoria Vane

“Erotic and sexy.” 
—Library Journal on the Devil DeVere series

For erotic passion and one-liners, the first book in Vane’s new series will satisfy…Vane’s latest gets a big yee-haw.”—RT Book Reviews on Slow Hand


Two to Wrangle is available for pre-order at:

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About The Author


Victoria Vane is an award-winning author of smart and sexy romance. Her work includes everything from wild comedic romps to emotionally compelling erotic romance. Her historical romances have received more than twenty awards and nominations to include the 2014 RONE Award for Treacherous Temptations and Library Journal Best E-Book romance of 2012 for The Devil DeVere series. She is now making waves in contemporary romance with her critically acclaimed Hot Cowboy Nights series from Sourcebooks (Slow Hand, Rough Rider, Sharp Shooter, Silver Tongue). Look for her scorching hot Hotel Rodeo series coming from Kensington early 2016.

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