Book Tour ~ Crystal the Christmas Angel

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About the Book:

Title: Crystal the Christmas Angel
Author: Theresa Oliver
Publisher: Write More Publications
Pages: 66
Genre: Children’s Picture Book

All of the angels in Heaven are preparing for a big event, and Crystal, a little angel, wants to be a part of it. But the more she tries, the more the angels tell her that she is just too little. That is, until God himself gives her the biggest, most important task of all … going with the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, and bringing God’s greatest gift to the world. But can Crystal do what God asks? Journey with Crystal as she discovers that God sometimes chooses the most unlikely for the greatest tasks. Crystal also discovers that you are never too little to do great things. You just need to believe and never give up.

For More Information

  • Crystal the Christmas Angel is available at Amazon.

  • Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.

  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Crystal the Christmas Angel teaser


About the Author

Theresa Oliver

Theresa Oliver grew up in southern Indiana, across from Louisville, Kentucky, in Clarksville, Indiana. In her childhood, she fell in love with the power of the written word, a love affair that has continued her whole life. She moved to Florida, where she has lived much of her adult life. She attended the University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, Tenn., and earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communications degree, News Editorial sequence. She also earned a Master of Arts in Teaching degree, Early Childhood Education sequence, from Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Ga. She is currently a writer, a full-time teacher, and the owner of Write More Publications and TNT Author Services. However, her greatest adventure is as a mother of three beautiful boys. Oliver currently resides in Kissimmee, Florida, with her husband and children.

Her latest book is the children’s picture book, Crystal the Christmas Angel.

Crystal the Christmas Angel

For More Information


Interview With….

Theresa, thanks for being my guest here today. Tell us about you.
Ever since I could remember, I wanted to be a writer. I fell in love with the power of the written word at a young age and that love continued throughout my life. However, I used to think that I would live my life and when I was through living it, I would write about it. (Strange, I know! ) So, I didn’t write anything for years. But after the Twilight Saga came out, I was introduced to writing for young adults. Once the writing bug bit me, I was hooked once again. Soon, I came to realize that one should live your life and write as you live. Now, I enjoy writing and journeying into my worlds. I soon discovered that inspiration is everywhere, if one only opens their eyes and his or her minds.

If you could hang out with one famous person for one day, who would it be and why?
I would love to hang out with Stephanie Meyer. She’s a mom also, so we have a lot in common. It would be cool to sit down over a cup of hot tea or coffee and just shoot the breeze while I picked her brain and chatted as friends about writing, characters, our children, etc.

What’s the story behind your latest book?
One Christmas years ago, I was thinking about the Star of Bethlehem, how it was an anomaly, and how experts said that several planets had aligned perfectly to create the magnificent star and that it was a coincidence that it just so happened to appear during the time of Jesus’ birth. As most writers do, I began to play the “What If” game, wondering if the star had actually been an angel, lighting the way to Jesus for all who seek him. At the time, I didn’t have children of my own, so I sat down to write the story for my nephews and niece. Since the story was for children, I decided to make Crystal a little angel, a child like the readers. Soon, the ideas began to flow and the story was born. I wrote the original first draft in one night. Years later, I rewrote it into the version that that it has become today. One thing led to another and years later, Crystal the Christmas Angel was born.

What is your writing process?
Personally, I watch television or my children play video games on it while I write. I grew up in a house with a semi-large family and there was always a lot of noise in the house. As an adult, I find that I concentrate better with some noise. If it’s too quiet, I turn on the TV for background noise. That said, I usually try and write at least one chapter per week. However in the summer, I write one chapter a day, especially during Camp NaNoWriMo in July. But if there is a day when I can’t write, I don’t beat myself up about it and move on. Tomorrow is another day. I write full-length novels much quicker this way.

Tell us about your main character:
Crystal is a little angel in Heaven. She notices the buzz around her and learns that a huge celebration is about to take place. Crystal becomes determined to help, but botches every attempt. Soon, everyone tells her to go play, and that she’s just too little to help. But God has other plans and trusts her with the biggest job of all—bringing God’s own son to the world.

Oftentimes, children are told that they are just too little and to “go out and play”. However, children have the power within themselves to change the world, but they must first believe in themselves. For it is my belief that people can do great things, no matter their age.

It is my hope that this book inspires confidence in children, will help them to believe that they can do anything if they set their mind to it, and to trust that God has a plan for them.

If your book was to be turned into a movie, who would play the lead role and why.
Probably a blonde Makenzie Foy. She is a lovely young girl and a great actor. She has a bright future ahead of her.

What are you working on next?
I have several projects in the works. One is Half Dozen Roses, a middle grades children’s book about a twelve-year-old, turn of the century girl who is suddenly thrust into the role of caregiver for her five younger siblings. This will educate children about child labor laws as well as the famous Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Half Dozen Roses is loosely based on the experiences of my maternal grandmother, who was born in 1900. She quit school at a young age and went to work in a factory to help her father support and raise her younger siblings after her mother’s death. This book will show what life was like for children at the turn of the century before it was mandatory for children to attend school. I’m also working on sequels to my series books, including Star Unchained (C.I.A Vampire Series, Book 2), Thou Shalt Not Kill Love (Thou Shalt Not Kill Series, Book 2), and The Journey Home (Cambria Series, Book 3). I am also working on a story about a faerie named Raine, based in my Cambria world, titled Raine and the Locks of Samson. Also, I have another children’s picture book in the works titled Five Loaves, Two Fish, One Boy, and Jesus, the back story of the boy in the biblical story.

What advice do you have for other writers who want to get the word out about their book?
Never give up. For every rejection notice you receive, remember that everyone who is anyone was told they couldn’t do it. Keep in mind that it only takes one publisher or agent to say yes. Also, learn as much as you can about your craft and how to market your book, as well. But every time that someone tells you that you can’t do something, remember that you are in good company, for John Grisham was rejected by 14 literary agents before number 15 said yes. His manuscript? A Time to Kill. Also, Stephanie Meyer once received a nasty rejection letter from a publisher regarding her first book Twilight. Look where she is today. You’re in good company.

What is your favorite book on your shelf right now?
Um … I have many but A Knight I Shining Armor, by: Jude Deveraux. It is the book that launched the romance time-travel genre and the book to which all time-travel romance books should be compared.

Do you have any special/extraordinary talents?
LOL! I have the gift of gab—or so my husband says. But seriously, I also have a knack for seeing people for who they are, for seeing the good in people, and for connecting with them. I don’t know how and I can’t explain it, but I usually can read a person when I first meet them and can tell what kind of person they are and their motives right away. It has helped me considerably as a teacher as well as a writer.

You are given the choice of one super power. What super power would you have and why?
The superpower that makes people happy and the world a better place—to create a world free from abuse, hunger, and war.

List 5 things on your bucket list:

  1. To see the Grand Canyon

  2. To live long enough to see my children raised and grown

  3. To become a world famous, bestselling author (hopefully, overnight! He, he, he)

  4. To make the world a better place.

  5. To instill confidence in and encourage children to succeed

Where can readers find you on the web?

I can currently be found on the following venues:

Any final thoughts?

Thank you so much for having me here today! I Hope you enjoy my book Crystal the Christmas Angel and look forward to your thoughts in regard to it. Special thanks to Deanna McRae, the illustrator who created the wonderful pics for this book! I look forward to chatting again!

Posted on February 10, 2016, in Guest Authors and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. This sounds like such a cute book. Thanks for sharing.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading.


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